Exploring Jerome Part 1 "Jerome Grand Hotel"

January 29, 2021  •  Leave a Comment


Exploring Jerome! (Part 1)

Jerome Grand Hotel


Jerome Arizona is known for it's rich history, ghost hunts and shops. 

Brief history: This building was first built in 1926 and it was a hospital called United Verde Hospital. It was a hospital from 1926 - 1950.

It also housed the staff and it was the most modern hospital in western United States and Arizona in 1930. In 1993 it was bought by the mining company and turned it onto a hotel. They still own it to this day.

My friends and I stayed in the Jerome Grand Hotel, we ok especially me loved how much history it has and it it still had original furniture. 

To me it's all fascinating and for others they were looking to see if they saw a ghost. 

I personally did not see anything and I stayed up. (Can't sleep in new places) 

We decided to walk around before the sun went down and before it snowed again and with a few edits the pictures showed what I was feeling. 

Historic with beauty and history. 


I will return again and go exploring. The road is snowed in and closed but we will return and add a few more parts to continue the series   

Stay tuned for more.

Does anyone have any "experiences" from staying in Jerome Grand Hotel?


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