
December 10, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Hey guys,

I am writing this blog because I want to give you a glimpse into my creative process, so you can see all that goes into my work. It’s so much more than point and shoot. But please keep in mind that English is my SECOND language so do us both a favor and don’t judge my grammar too harshly and instead focus on the heart of what I I’m trying to covey and don’t worry so much about missing comas or what not.

Like they say it’s the PICTURES that are worth a thousand words.


Holiday Christmas light

This one is one that I took today after my fiancée and I finished decorating our house. After we did the finishing touches I grabbed my new Nkon camera and I was trying to take details pictures of our decorations and this as always surprised me because I took a picture through our clear Christmas ornaments but then I saw the small light icicle through the clear ornament and I focused the camera on the icicle and here is the finishing picture.   

what is your favorite snowflake?

comment and attach below below


Este es uno que tomé hoy después de que mi novio y yo terminamos de decorar nuestra casa. Después de que hicimos los toques finales cogí mi nueva cámara Nkon y yo estaba tratando de tomar fotos de nuestras decoraciones del árbol de navidad y esto como siempre me sorprendió porque tome una foto a través de nuestros adornos de Navidad claro, pero luego vi la pequeña luz carámbano a través de la clara ornamento y puse mi carama al centró la cámara en el la estrellita y aquí está la imagen final.  

que es tu favorito copo de nieve?


comenta y pune una foto abajo.


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