Cactus Flower

January 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment


Hey guys,

I am writing this blog because I want to give you a glimpse into my creative process, so you can see all that goes into my work. It’s so much more than point and shoot. But please keep in mind that English is my SECOND language so do us both a favor and don’t judge my grammar too harshly and instead focus on the heart of what I I’m trying to covey and don’t worry so much about missing comas or what not.

Like they say it’s the PICTURES that are worth a thousand words.


Cactus Flower

This picture is surprising to me just because I have been living in Arizona for a while and from one of the nights of going to the botanical gardens I looked up and I saw one of the whitest flowers that I have ever seen growing from this very tall cactus. When I first moved here, I kept seeing these tall cacti everywhere however I never would have thought that something so fragile, and delicate can come out of something that can live through sand storms and hear waves year in and year out. There is something so amazing like watching nature come alive in the desert after summer monsoon season.


Flor de cactus

Esta foto me sorprende sólo porque he estado viviendo en Arizona por un tiempo y de una de las noches de ir a los jardines botánicos miré hacia arriba y vi una de las flores más blancas que he visto crecer desde este cactus muy alto. Cuando me mudé aquí por primera vez, seguí viendo estos cactus altos por todas partes sin embargo nunca hubiera pensado que algo tan frágil, y delicado puede salir de algo que puede vivir a través de las tormentas de arena y oír olas año dentro y año. Hay algo tan asombroso como ver a la naturaleza revivir en el desierto después de la temporada estival del monzón.


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