Samurai Shadow

January 04, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Hey guys,

I am writing this blog because I want to give you a glimpse into my creative process, so you can see all that goes into my work. It’s so much more than point and shoot. But please keep in mind that English is my SECOND language so do us both a favor and don’t judge my grammar too harshly and instead focus on the heart of what I I’m trying to covey and don’t worry so much about missing comas or what not.

Like they say it’s the PICTURES that are worth a thousand words.


Samurai Shadow

I was practicing with my gently used camera that was given to me with using only things around the house. This samurai is something that my fiancée has on a book shelf. I noticed with the lights that we have in the bedroom, it was creating such a wonderful shadow against the book shelf that the wood looks like bamboo “happy accident”. I decided to take the picture with the samurai but the only edit that I did was just cut the actual samurai out of the picture. People started to comment how lovely the picture is, so I just left things alone. Why edit something that does not need editing.


What is your favorite picture from "around the house"


Samurái Shadow

Estaba practicando con mi cámara usada que me fue dada, usando solamente las cosas alrededor de la casa. Este Samurái es algo que mi prometido tiene en una estantería de libros. Me di cuenta con las luces que tenemos en el cuarto, que estaba creando una sombra maravillosa contra el estante de libros que la madera se parece a bambú "feliz accidente". Decidí tomar la foto con el Samurái, pero la única edición que hice fue simplemente cortar el Samurái real fuera de la imagen. La gente empezó a comentar lo bonita que es la foto, así que dejé las cosas en paz. ¿Por qué editar algo que no necesita edición?

Que es unas de tus fotos favoritos de cual quiel cosa de la casa



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