Sedona 2 Colors

February 15, 2019  •  Leave a Comment


Hey guys,

I am writing this blog because I want to give you a glimpse into my creative process, so you can see all that goes into my work. It’s so much more than point and shoot. But please keep in mind that English is my SECOND language so do us both a favor and don’t judge my grammar too harshly and instead focus on the heart of what I I’m trying to covey and don’t worry so much about missing comas or what not.

Like they say it’s the PICTURES that are worth a thousand words.


Sedona 2 color

Sedona has been one of my favorite places to escape from phoenix and the heat. One of the many reasons would be the red rocks and the mountains. This picture grabbed my attention because of the contrast within the colors. One of the 1st thing that I noticed is the white or garish mountains the second would be the different layers that would be on the mountains that get darker and darker until the bottom half of the mountain is completely red. The last piece of the puzzle are the bright yellow sun flowers at the very bottom of the mountain side nothing screams out happiness.

Sun flowers and sunshine.  

What is your favorite sunshine and happy moment?

Comment and attach picture below.


Sedona 2 colores

Sedona ha sido uno de mis lugares favoritos para escapar de Phoenix y el calor. Una de las muchas razones serían las rocas rojas y las montañas. Esta imagen me llamó la atención debido al contraste dentro de los colores. Unas de las primeras cosas que noté son las montañas blancas o chillón el segundo serían las diferentes capas que estarían en las montañas que se oscurecen y oscurecen hasta que la mitad inferior de la montaña es completamente roja. La última pieza del rompecabezas son las flores de sol amarillas brillantes en el fondo del lado de la montaña nada grita la felicidad.

Flores de sol y sol. 

¿Cuál es tu sol favorito y tu momento feliz?

Comentar y adjuntar imagen a continuación.


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